스마트 이민정보

풍부한 경험과 실력, 믿음과 신뢰의 결과, 고객을 위하는 마음

빠르고 정확한 미국이민 정보


일부 신분변경 신청에서 지문조회 (Biometrics) 면제된다.

Smart Immigration USA 2023. 9. 28. 13:25


발표일시: 2023.10.01


오는 10월1일부터 이민국신청서 I-539를 사용하는 신분변경 (Change of Status) 신청에서 지문조회 (Biometrics)가 면제된다.


10월1일 또는 이후에 접수된 I-539를 사용하는 케이스는 모두 지문조회 (Biometrics)가 면제되므로 지문조회비 $85은 지불하지 않아도 된다. 만약 해당 신청서 I-539 (접수비 $370)와 지문조회비 $85을 합산해 $455 체크를 한장으로 보낼 경우 케이스 파일 전체가 반려 (Reject)되므로 주의가 요망된다. 신청서 접수비와 지문조회비 $85을 분리된 체크 두장으로 지불할 경우엔 85불 체크만 반려되고 신청서는 접수된다.


하지만 필요한 경우 이민국은 지문조회 통보를 보낼 수도 있다고 덧붙였다.



[이민국 공지사항]

USCIS Exempts Biometric Services Fee for all Form I-539 Applicants

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today announced that it is exempting the biometric services fee for Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status.

Beginning Oct. 1, we are exempting the $85 biometric services fee as part of the application process for Form I-539. You do not need to pay the fee if your application is postmarked Oct. 1 or later. However, if you file Form I-539 prior to Oct. 1, certain filers will still be scheduled for an ASC appointment and should still attend that appointment as scheduled. In most cases, after Oct. 1 applicants will not be scheduled to attend a biometric services appointment. However, if USCIS determines that biometrics are required, the applicant will receive a notice with information about appearing for their biometric services appointment.


If you mistakenly submit the biometric services fee and the payment is submitted separately from the Form I-539 fee, we will return the biometric services fee and accept the Form I-539. If you mistakenly submit the biometric services fee and the payment is combined with a paper-based Form I-539 filing fee, this is considered an incorrect filing and we will reject the Form I-539. If you mistakenly authorize a credit card payment that combines the biometric services fee with the Form I-539 application fee, we will accept the application, and only charge the application fee.


The biometric services fee exemption will apply to all applicants filing on or after Oct.1, including those applicants filing Form I-539 requesting an extension of stay in or change of status to H-4, L-2, or E nonimmigrant for whom USCIS had previously suspended the biometrics requirement through Sept. 30, 2023. As mentioned in the USCIS Fiscal Year 2022 Progress Report (PDF, 1.08 MB) (PDF, 1.08 MB), we are committed to accomplishing our goal of removing the biometric services fee and requirement for all Form I-539 applicants.



스마트 이민정보
Smart Immigration USA

** 상담 요청을 하시면 케이스 진행 안내문 (비용 관련 내용 포함)을 보내드립니다.



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Smart Korean Consulting

풍부한 경험과 실력, 믿음과 신뢰의 결과, 고객을 위하는 마음





