발표일시: 01/27/2023
이민국은 1월 27일, Fiscal Year 2023~2026 동안 강력하고 효율적인 이민시스템을 구축하기 위한 4개년 전략계획 (New Strategic Plan Highlighting Long-Term Goals)을 발표했다. 이민국은 이 기간동안 보다 강화된 역량을 갖춘 인력을 확보하고 국가 최고의 이상을 달성할 수 있는 이민시스템 (Immigration System) 구축을 위한 방안을 수립했다고 로드맵을 통해 밝혔다.
이 계획은 궁극적으로 더욱 강하고, 보다 포괄적이며 이민 친화적인 국가로서의 미국을 만들기 위한 이민국의 오랜 염원에서 비롯되었다고 강조했다.
또한 이를 통해 새로운 이민자들을 위한 혜택과 서비스에서의 장벽을 감소하는 방안을 마련하게 될 것이며, 신뢰, 힘, 진실, 그리고 접근성을 기초로하는 국가 이민시스템을 추구하는 바이든-해리슨 행정부의 비전을 실현하기 위해 더욱 많은 일을 하게 될 것이라고 덧붙였다.
이민국은 로드맵을 통해 세가지 목표를 제시했다.
** 아래 [이민국 공지] 참고
- 스마트 이민정보
[이민국 공지]
USCIS Releases New Strategic Plan Highlighting Long-Term Goals
WASHINGTON – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today released its FY 2023-2026 Strategic Plan (PDF, 6.79 MB) (PDF, 6.79 MB), which provides a roadmap for the agency’s workforce to better strengthen its capabilities and help the country reach its highest ideals. The plan is grounded in USCIS’ longstanding purpose and core values in support of a meaningful commitment to make the United States a stronger, more inclusive, and welcoming nation.
“The work of USCIS makes the possibility of America a reality for immigrants from around the world, the communities and economies they join and support, and the nation as a whole,” said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou. “USCIS is reducing barriers to immigration benefits and services—and we have much more to do to achieve the Biden-Harris Administration’s vision for our nation’s immigration system, one that is based on trust, strength, inclusion, integrity, and accessibility.”
The strategic plan highlights three long-term goals focused on increasing access to the nation’s immigration system; promoting and improving the naturalization process; attracting, recruiting, developing, and retaining an effective USCIS workforce; creating a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility; ensuring fiscal solvency; and continuing modernization efforts that introduce additional online filing options.
Goal 1 – Strengthen the U.S. Immigration System: Ensure that immigration policies, regulations, strategies, processes, and communications support a strong immigration system with integrity that promotes integration, inclusion, and citizenship.
Goal 2 – Invest in Our Workforce: Attract, recruit, train, and retain a diverse, flexible, and resilient workforce that drives high-quality organizational performance and is representative of who we are as a nation.
Goal 3 – Promote Effective and Efficient Management and Stewardship: Enhance organizational capability for efficient and effective use, management, and sharing of resources entrusted to the agency, and to evaluate and balance competing demands and priorities to serve the agency’s mission.
The objectives outlined in the strategic plan are consistent with ongoing agency priorities to increase access to eligible immigration benefits, eliminate unnecessary burdens in the immigration system, and restore faith and trust with immigrant communities. USCIS will continue to build upon efforts that uphold America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.
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