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이민국 접수비 (Filing Fee) 인상 60일 입법예고 (2023년 1월 3일)

Smart Immigration USA 2023. 1. 8. 12:58

발표일시: 2023.1.3


이민국 (USCIS)은 지난 1월 3일 이민국 신청서 접수비 (Filing Fee) 인상안을 입법예고하고 60일간의 의견수렴기간을 거쳐 결정하기로 했다. 인상안이 결정되면 3월초 인상된 접수비가 적용될 예정이다.


이민국은 행정운영비용의 약 96%를 접수비에 의존하며, 통상적으로 2년마다 접수비 인상을 단행한다. 이번 이민국 접수비 인상은 2016년 이후 약 7년만이다. 이민국은 이번 접수비 인상을 통해 인도주의적 프로그램을 확대하고, 이민국 직원에 대한 연방공무원급 인건비 인상, 인력충원, 필수요소에 대한 투자 등에 사용될 예정이라고 밝혔다. 이민국은 이를 통해 그동안 적체된 신청서를 해소하고 정상화할 수 있다고 덧붙였다.


이번 인상안의 특이점은 일부 신청서의 경우 온라인 (Online) 신청과 서면 (Paper) 신청의 접수비에 차등을 두고있으며, 급행서비스 (Premium Processing) 비용에 대해선 인상은 없지만 수속기간을 기존의 휴일 포함 15일 (Calendar Days)에서 업무일 기준 15일 (Business Days)로 변경했다.


이민국접수비 인상안


신청서 (Form) 현재 ($) 인상안 ($) 차액 ($)
I-90 (영주권 갱신/재발급)-Online 455 455 0
I-90 (영주권 갱신/재발급)-Paper 455 465 10
I-90 (영주권 갱신/재발급)-Online-지문 540 455 -85
I-90 (영주권 갱신/재발급)-Paper-지문 540 465 -75
I-129 (비이민워킹) H-1B 460 780 320
I-129 (비이민워킹) R, E, Q 460 1015 555
I-129 (비이민워킹) L 460 1385 925
I-130 (가족이민 청원서)-Online 535 710 175
I-130 (가족이민 청원서)-Paper 535 820 285
I-131 (여행허가, 재입국허가) 575 630 55
I-131 (여행허가, 재입국허가)-지문 660 630 -30
I-140 (취업이민 청원서) 700 715 15
I-360 (종교이민 청원서 ) 435 515 80
I-539 (비이민, 동반가족)-Online 370 525 155
I-539 (비이민, 동반가족)-Paper 370 620 250
I-539 (비이민, 동반가족)-Online-지문 455 525 70
I-539 (비이민, 동반가족)-Paper-지문 455 620 165
I-485 (영주권) 1140 1540 400
I-485 (영주권)-지문조회 포함 1225 1540 315
I-485 (영주권)-14 이하 750 1540 790
I-485 (영주권) + I-131 (여행허가)-지문 1225 2170 945
I-485 (영주권) + I-765 (워크퍼밋)-지문 1225 2190 965
I-485 (영주권) + I-131 + I-765-지문 1225 2820 1595
I-751 (조건부해제) 595 1195 600
I-751 (조건부해제)-지문조회 포함 680 1195 515
I-765 (워크퍼밋 EAD)-Online 410 555 145
I-765 (워크퍼밋 EAD)-Paper 410 650 240
I-765 (워크퍼밋 EAD)-Online-지문조회 495 650 240
I-765 (워크퍼밋 EAD)-Paper-지문조회 495 650 155
N-400 (시민권) 640 760 120
N-400 (시민권)-지문조회 포함 725 760 35

이민국 접수비 인상안에 관한 연방관보

미국 이민을 위해 허리띠를 졸라매야하나?!
- 스마트 이민정보
[이민국 공지]

USCIS Issues Proposed Rule to Adjust Certain Immigration and Naturalization Fees

Release Date 

WASHINGTON—Today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to adjust certain immigration and naturalization benefit request fees. The new fees would allow USCIS to more fully recover its operating costs, reestablish and maintain timely case processing, and prevent the accumulation of future case backlogs. USCIS receives approximately 96 percent of its funding from filing fees, not from congressional appropriations.

The proposed fee rule is the result of a comprehensive fee review at USCIS. That review determined that the agency’s current fees, which have remained unchanged since 2016, fall far short of recovering the full cost of agency operations. USCIS generally publishes a fee rule biennially, and proposes these changes to account for the expansion of humanitarian programs, federally mandated pay raises, additional staffing requirements, and other essential investments.


In 2020, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a dramatic reduction in receipts of new applications, resulting in a temporary drop in revenue by 40 percent. The combination of depleted cash reserves, a temporary hiring freeze, and workforce attrition has reduced the agency’s capacity to timely adjudicate cases, particularly as incoming caseloads rebound to pre-pandemic levels.


The proposed rule would increase some fees, including a modest increase in the fee for certain naturalization applications, while preserving existing fee waiver eligibility for low-income and vulnerable populations and adding new fee exemptions for certain humanitarian programs. If finalized, the proposed rule would decrease or minimally increase fees for more than one million low-income filers each year.


“In addition to improving customer service operations and managing the incoming workload, USCIS must continue to fulfill our growing humanitarian mission, upholding fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve,” said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou. “This proposed rule allows USCIS to more fully recover operating costs for the first time in six years and will support the Administration’s effort to rebuild the legal immigration system.”


New measures include a proposal to incorporate biometrics costs into the main benefit fee and remove the separate biometric services fee; establish separate fees for each nonimmigrant classification covered by Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Workers; change the premium processing timeframe from 15 calendar days to 15 business days; and institute lower fees for certain forms filed online. The proposed rule would not change fee waiver eligibility requirements. The projected revenues resulting from the proposed rule would allow USCIS to increase the number of adjudicators processing applications, implement technology improvements, and increase support provided to individuals seeking information and assistance from USCIS.


The 60-day public comment period starts following publication of the NPRM in the Federal Register. Fees will not change until the final rule goes into effect, after the public has had the opportunity to comment and USCIS finalizes the fee schedule in response to such comments. USCIS will host a public engagement session on the proposed fee rule on January 11, 2023.



스마트 이민정보
Smart Immigration USA
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